Cell: [USE E-MAIL]
Address: Paris
Email: paul@tonel.li
I am Head of Infrastructure at Heuritech where I manage a team of three engineers/devops. The point of this online page is to provide links, references or additionnal information about my resume.
Communication, Planning, multi provider High Availability, Cloud/Bare Metal architecture (~100TB of storage, multi datacenter replication), backups, Cost optimization...
Managing a team of three engineers for 4 years
Scrumm (2 years working daily with this methodology), code management, Project management (Logilab and PhD), Gantt Charts (ENSAM)
Python (contributions to salt, python-hglib, mpd autoplay), C++ (sferes_v2), Shell (zsh, bash), Java, C#, hg/git, svn...
Kubernetes (Kustomize, Loki, Prometheus, Traefik...), SaltStack, LAMP, Debian, Cloud Computing (EC2, Openstack, Vmware, KVM, lxc, OpenVZ), Network (iptables/ebtables, vlan, postfix, bind), auth (oauth, saml, ldap, kerberos)...
Thesis Title: Links between Synaptic Plasticity Mechanisms and Encoding Regularity in Neuro-Evolution (PDF)
Report Title: Verticalizing a bioloid robot
Major: Information and Knowledge Management
Project: Speech Synthesis Project for Mute People (link in french) - Fifth Garangeat prize in 2007. LINK
On the
Relationships between Synaptic Plasticity and Generative
a Map-Based Encoding to Evolve Plastic Neural
Evolution of Plastic Neural Networks: a few Key